Koszyk rollup


Roll-ups are exceptionally fashionable and modern. They are unbelievably fast and easy to assemble. They constitute excellent and accurate way to present a company or a product. That's why roll-ups are becoming increasingly popular in promotion. Moreover, the graphics is not only easily replaceable, but also universal in size and form, depending on the purpose. After the use, a roll-up folds into a handy box and then, to keep it safe, it's placed in a specially designed cover. Every single roll-up has its own, separate cover.

Roll-ups are widely known and used for conferences and pr eviously mentioned promotion campaigns of both big corporations and small businesses. The biggest advantage of having a roll-up is its portability - light, aluminum construction makes it comfortable to take it everywhere you need. Use our roll-ups and stand out from the crowd! Currently, we offer you three different types of roll-ups: Roll-up Price, Roll-up Light and Rollup Strong. Learn more about them by visiting tabs on the left and choose the one that fits your needs best.


Graphics for the roll-up should be prepared in 1:1 scale and in relevant resolution (depending on the format, 120-150 DPI). We respect PC and MAC versions and many formats, but the most corresponding ones are: PDF (ver. 4.0-9.0), TIFF and JPG.
If your projects employs vector graphics, you should remember to convert all the fonts into curves. If you decide to save your project as a BMP file, it should consist of one layer and no masks.

What's also important, all colourful projects prepared for the Roll-ups should use a CMYK colour mode (no Pantone colours); the black and white projects, however, are to be saved in a Gray Scale. To get a pure black, it must be created by entering following data: C40% M40% Y40% B100%.

If you have any questions or doubts, please call or email us!

rollup strongrollup super light

Nasze realizacje rollup-ów:

Roll up LIBERO - Roll up MZDW - Roll up KWANT - Roll up Camping Kątno - Roll up Triptelnik - Roll up LOOPYS - Roll up Sweet Home/Andropol - Roll up COFFEMA - Roll up Show Light - Roll up CHOCOLATE BUSH - Roll up Goee Energia - Roll up REVLON - Roll up WŁADCA PORTFELA - Roll up Świstowski - Roll up SOLUTION TRADE - Roll up CARGOTEX POLSKA - Roll up INFOLINK - Roll up Teatr Lalek ARLEKIN im. Henryka Ryla w Łodzi - Roll up AKADEMIA ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCI - Roll up 6PLUS -